CHRISTMAS MARKET in the Quad - Free Entry
Saturday 30th November 2024 | 12 noon – 3.30pm
Join us at lovely community event in our church quadrangle!
The Christmas Market, or “Christ Child Market”, has long been
associated with sharing the Christmas spirit.
Please join us for Sundays @4 - Saints and Sausages - a Families & Children's Service followed by Hot Dogs in the Parish Centre
Packing shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal has become an important part of our ministry in recent years. This will be our 12th year of taking part and during this time we have donated over 720
shoebox gifts. Last year, we gave 71!
Fr. Jeremy's Topic for the Maidenhead Advertiser
It was great to see so many people working together and we achieved a lot in the time.
Many thanks to Good Gym and all our Church volunteers who helped to clear the undergrowth that has started to obscure some of the graves. We have also planted some wild flower plugs, bluebells and sown seeds to attract some of our beautiful butterflies, insects and birds so everyone can enjoy the tranquillity of this lovely spot even more. The work is on-going and we welcome volunteers. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch with the Office and we'll get back to you.
An evening of dance enabling us to reflect upon loss. This is another shared Mission project with St Luke’s and the Church of the Good Shepherd. Tickets £5 from church on Sunday or from Tanya in the office.
Admission Free with retiring collection
We welcome back violinist Carla Santos and pianist Saul Picado, the Dryads Duo, to perform Sonata No. 5, in F major Opus 24, by Beethoven and Respighi's Sonata in B minor.
All Saints Day Patronal Festival – Preacher Fr Chris Mann - Following the Eucharist, we will once again share a parish meal at the Ghandi Restaurant. Chicken and Lamb dishes. The cost of the meal will be £25 per person. Please sign the list at the back of the church and give the ticket money to Sue Stannett.
As part of the Heritage Open Days weekend there will be an Organ Recital given by Relf Clark on Sunday 15th September 2024 at 2:30pm in All Saints Church
Now includes a Video of the final piece played
Please join us and share Family Service in the Quadrangle followed by a BBQ in the Quad
Do come to the Bucks Symphonic Wind Ensemble September Concert at All Saints Church. Experience a live performance of a 48 piece Wind Band. in support charities associated with of All Saints Church - do come and enjoy the evening.....
When talking with members of the congregation it is clear that there is significant variation in the
understanding of how the church is run and administered, what it costs and where the money is spent. If we can get a clearer understanding of the congregation's view of this, we can improve our communication and, hopefully, commitment to the stewardship of All Saints.
To help us do this we have produced a very short survey on the congregation's understanding of the running, administration and costs of the church. It is tick box, anonymous and will take about five minutes of your time. It is easily completed using the link and pressing “Done”
If you prefer a paper copy these are available at the back of the church, please return them to the Parish Office by Sunday 8 September, which is also the closing date for the electronic survey.
Please do take the five minutes to do this and so help in the stewardship of All Saints.
As part of the National Heritage Open Days Scheme All Saints are opening specially on:-
Saturday 14 September from 9.30am until 4.30pm and on Sunday 15 September from 12 noon until 4.30pm
please come and look around your church at leisure, to learn things you never knew and to ask those questions you always wanted to.
Please do join Ride & Stride for Churches - either as a participant or as a welcome for All Saints - 50% of your sponsorship monies raised is for the benefit of All Saints and sponsorship forms will be available in the Church.
Please join us and share Family Service in the Quadrangle followed by a BBQ in the Quad
Please join us and share Family Service for
Justice and Fairness in the Quadrangle followed by a BBQ in the Quad
Please join us and share Family Service for
Pentecost in the Quadrangle followed by the picnic in the Quad
We will share the story of the vine, the branches and the fruits with young people and families. All are welcome to join us. We hope to start meeting in the Quadrangle again in May and share food from the BBQ.
Fr. Jeremy's Topic for the Maidenhead with a focus upon the Asylum Seekers welcome conference in Durham
There is a list at the back of the church should you wish to share a fish and chip supper. If you would prefer chicken that is also available. .Please pay Sue Stannett in advance. The evening will begin at 6.30pm with the supper before the meeting begins at 7.00pm. All are welcome.
An early music concert (Saturday 9 March, 6.30pm) at All Saints Church, Maidenhead. Renaissance Voices are performing sacred early music from Christmas to Easter. For more information and tickets, visit the website or call 01628 624429
We are pleased to welcome the locally-based Dryads Duo to All Saints who will present an attractive and accessible programme of music for violin and piano.
Formed in 2010 by violinist Carla Santos and pianist Saul Picado, in recital the Dryads Duo aim to create a coherent combination between the lesser known and the standard repertoire providing the audience with a sense of ownership and freshness, always conveying their engaging sensibility, complicity and love for the music performed (
In this recital they will play the 3 Romances Op 22 by Clara Schumann; Sonata BWV 1017 by J S Bach, and the well-known Sonata by César Franck
Fr Jeremy invites you to celebrate with him this Christmas at the wonderful Christingle Service on the 10th Dec and the popular Crib Service on Christmas Eve. Click through for more information below.
We offer everyone a warm welcome to our services this Christmas to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, whether it be the wonderful mystery of Midnight Mass, the fun-filled Crib Service for the children or our Christmas Market in the Quadrangle, at which there will be a range of stalls, tombola and raffle, food and drinks, music from the Salvation Army and more. And for the children, Father Christmas will be paying a visit to our magical Grotto.
Join us at lovely community event in our church quadrangle!
The Christmas Market, or “Christ Child Market”, has long been associated with sharing the Christmas spirit.
Saturday 16 December 6:30pm in All Saints Church Church - Christmas Joy.
A Christmas Concert by Renaissance Voices conducted by Paul Leddington Wright.
Renaissance Voices are regular visitors to All Saints and their Christmas Concert will be a welcome return. Consisting of well known carols for audience participation,
interspersed with carols sung by the choir ranging from the Renaissance to the present-day including arrangements by Paul Leddington Wright and seasonal readings this will be a musical treat.
Tickets bought in advance £14.00from or £15.00 on the door. Under 18s are free.
The ticket price includes a light supper in the church after the concert.
All Saints are going to be taking part in this appeal for the 11th time this year (2023). In the last 3 years we have donated about 60 boxes each year as gifts for children around the world who don’t have much. We 100 boxes in 2019; but each year was still amazing!
Come and share a service looking at the life of the Saints followed by Hotdogs. - Sunday 22nd Oct 2023 at 4pm
Do join us for our Patronal Festival of All Saints - Our guest preacher will be Fr Nicholas Cheesman. Following the service, we will have lunch at the Gandhi restaurant. We will have a sign-up list for those who wish to share the celebration lunch with us. Payment must be made in advance.
Please come and join us for Sundays@4 . The theme is St Francis and his love of animals.
Please bring your pet to be blesses. ????⛪????.
Following the service there will be our usual BBQ.
Please take the opportunity to share this hour long walk this Sunday afternoon meeting at Ockwells Park at 2.30pm followed by the opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at the café near the car park.
Please come and help us celebrate the 20th Anniversary of ALLsorts!
There will be cake and games and LOTS of fun! Thursday 31st August, 7- 8:30 pm at All Saints Church Parish Hall, Boyn Hill Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 4HE.
PLEASE RSVP TO SUE NORDBERG BY 24TH AUGUST. See flier below for full details
As part of the National Heritage Open Days Scheme All Saints are opening specially on:-
Saturday 9 September from 9.30am until 4.30pm and on Sunday from 12 noon until 4.30pm
please come and look around your church at leisure, to learn things you never knew and to ask those questions you always wanted to.
Please do join Ride & Stride for Churches - either as a participant or as a welcome for All Saints - 50% of your sponsorship monies raised is for the benefit of All Saints and sponsorship forms will be available in the Church.
Do come to the concert - A celebration of the life and work of William Byrd and Thomas Weelkes - Directed by Robert Jones.
6:30pm 8th July 2023 - click for more info and tickets......
Keble College was founded in 1870 in memory of John Keble, a key member of the Oxford Movement which sought to recover the medieval Christian heritage of the Church of England. Its extensive gothic architecture is absolutely breath-taking and of course has a strong resonance for All Saints, also sprung from the Oxford Movement. In the chapel you will see Holman Hunt’s famous painting ‘The Light of the World’.
New College is close to Keble College and Jacob Epstein's moving statue of Lazarus can be seen in the AnteChapel as you go in.
Fr John presiding and Fr Jeremy preaching.
Following the service wine and snacks will be served. We hope people will stay to celebrate the Coronation together.
There will be activities at Young Saints and a Treasure Hunt on the theme of the Coronation for children following the service.
We look forward to celebrating Holy Week in the Church.
Do come and join All Saints during Holy Week for wonderful Easter Services at this special time in the Christian Calendar. Full details of our Easter Services can be found in the website calendar and an overview page can be found here.
The guest speaker this year will be Sam Jonkers of ‘Care 4Calais’ as she shares with us the work pf the charity in supporting Asylum Seekers.’ There is a list at the back of the church should you wishtoshare a fish and chip supper. If you would prefer chicken that is also available. The cost held the same as last year will be £8 for Fish and Chips and £6.50 for Chicken and Chips.Please pay Sue Stannett in advance.The evening will beginat 6.30pm with the supper before the meeting begins at 7.00pm. All are welcome.
Do join the return of Sundays at 4 at the Church on the theme of Dreams and goals. Following the service there will be activities and hotdogs and other refreshments, in the Parish Centre.
All Saints is Committed to Caring for Gods Creation Through Sustainability
Fr. Jeremy's Topic for the Maidenhead with a focus upon the Asylum Seekers in the Holiday Inn in Maidenhead
We have booked the following dates at Walsingham for our 2023 pilgrimage: Monday 25th- Friday 29th September (4 nights). If you might be interested in joining us do put these dates into your brand new 2023 diary. I will be looking for names and deposits around Eastertime so you have a little time to think before you need to put your name down. Fr John
Christmas Crackers - Bucks Symphonic Wind Ensemble, conducted by Rob Wiffin, presents a selection of wind band favourites in a concert with all proceeds in support of All Saints Church - do come and enjoy the evening.....
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols followed by mince pies & mulled wine.
Fr Jeremys’ Blog on Baptisms and Confirmations at Boyne Hill in the light of the 2021 census and in the week of St Andrew the Apostle
Fr Jeremy invites you to celebrate with him this Christmas at the wonderful Christingle Service on the 11th Dec and the popular Crib Service on Christmas Eve.
Please do join our Christmas Services - details can be found HERE - Everyone is welcome.
Join us on Nov 27th - Noon to 3:30pm at the lovely community event in our church quadrangle!
The Christmas Market, or “Christ Child Market”, has long been associated with the sharing the Christmas spirit.
All Saints are going to be taking part in this appeal for the 9th time this year (2021). Last year we donated over 60 boxes as gifts for children around the world who don’t have much. This wasn’t quite as high as our total of 100 in 2019 but was still amazing! The coronavirus pandemic is causing even greater hardship for some children and their families, and this is one way to show God’s love and bring some joy.
Following the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth 11
The Berkshire Churches Trust Ride & Stride will take place on the Saturday when we will welcome visitors “riding and striding” to raise money through sponsorship for their own churches. We will be organising a walk for any one from All Saints who would like to take part, and there will be a sponsorship form at the back
of the church in support of the walkers’ efforts. Half of any money raised will come back to All Saints.
We are looking for an experienced and skilled administrator to come and join us on a part-time basis to support our ministry. Working alongside the Parish Office Administrator, the role will provide administrative support to ensure the smooth running of All Saints Church and be a first point of contact for visitors and queries. Maintaining our website and social media presence, managing lettings for our Parish Centre and organising office and liturgical suppliers will also be key aspects of the role.
Following the Sunday morning double celebration of Pentecost and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we will share celebratory drinks and a BBQ. We do hope as many as possible of the congregation of All Saints will join us to celebrate in the Quadrangle on Sunday. Please either sign the list at the back of the church or contact the office or Fr Jeremy if you wish to share in the celebrations. There will be some child-friendly activities for children with families.
Afternoon event for families, children’s activities and a short talk, with refreshments.
Last Sunday of each month, at 4pm
It is good to hold the APCM in person this year at the Boyne Hill Cricket Club
Come and enjoy this production by Marlow Players and also support Ukraine
For those who cannot make Church over the Christmas period 2021 a recording of the Advent 4 Eucharist at All Saints Maidenhead on 19 12 2021- this was made via Zoom with limited equipment and hence apologies for any quality issues.
All Saints are going to be taking part in this appeal for the 9th time this year (2021). Last year we donated over 60 boxes as gifts for children around the world who don’t have much. This wasn’t quite as high as our total of 100 in 2019 but was still amazing! The coronavirus pandemic is causing even greater hardship for some children and their families, and this is one way to show God’s love and bring some joy.
As it’s highly unlikely that we will be able to celebrate our Patronal Festival in the church; that should not stop us celebrating the lives of the Saints over a BBQ of sausages.
Let’s sing some great festival hymns and celebrate the lives of the Saints.
All welcome.
An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers.
A couple of weeks ago I had an answering machine message from a lady called Audrey from BBC Radio Berkshire asking me to call her concerning a program that the station was trying to put together. When I phoned Audrey, she was rather relived to get a response as she had experienced problems trying to make contact with potential groups that day. Audrey explained that Radio Berkshire wanted to help charities and community groups within Maidenhead. I informed her that there was plenty going on within the town although some groups had been impacted by the Covid pandemic. The program is aimed at projects coming out of Lockdown rather than the excellent community work that went on supporting vulnerable people during the Lockdowns. This blog covers some of these.
A big thank you to the sixteen women who made up the GoodGym team who visited All Saints last Wednesday evening, 30th June 2021
After careful consideration it was believed that, during this stage with Coronavirus, a virtual meeting would enable the greatest number of people to participate in the evening, compared to attending the Church in the evening for a socially distanced meeting wearing face mask without any refreshments.
Sermon preached at All Saints, Boyne Hill in thanksgiving for the Life of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
11th April 2021
If you have been unable to join in with an Ash Wednesday service then do join Fr Jeremy with his recording of the Ash Wednesday Eucharist and Penitential Liturgy in All Saints Church17 02 2021
See the recoding of the Fr Jeremy Q&A covering the COVID-10 Vaccine with Councillor Gurpreet Bhangra and Councillor Stuart Carroll RBWM
During lockdown when the Eucharist cannot be celebrated in person do join with the recording by Fr Jeremy who Celebrates Candlemas in All Saints Church 2021
Join the Art Course with Matthew Firth on Zoom
Whilst the Church is closed during this second, more contagious, phase of the pandemic Fr Jeremy has Recorded a Eucharist in Epiphany Tide from All Saints
Whilst the Church is closed during this second, more contagious, phase of the pandemic Fr Jeremy has Recorded a Eucharist in Epiphany Tide from All Saints
What is essential Business?
As the Church is closed Fr Jeremy has recorded a Service for Epipthany in All Saints Church Jan 2021
"God fills our lives with love and knows what we suffer," the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will say in an online Midnight Mass highlighting those bereaved and feeling anxious and isolated over the festive season.
As the Church is closed Fr Jeremy has recorded a Service for Epipthany in All Saints Church Jan 2021
For those unable to attend Midnight Mass or the Christmas Morning Service Fr Jeremy has recorded a Christmas Message and a Short Service Christmas 2020
The on-line service for Sunday 22nd Nov 2020 - Durham Cathedral is to lead the nation in prayer this Sunday as England faces its third weekend under lockdown for this weeks Church of England streamed service
The on-line service for Sunday 8th Nov 2020 - The Church of England is to broadcast a national online service, from the Royal Military Chapel (Guards’ Chapel) in London, to mark Remembrance Sunday
Fr Jeremy has recorded a Remembrance Sunday Service for 7th Nov 2020 during the second period of National Lockdown in 2020.
The on-line service for Sunday 1st Nov 2020 - 'God is with us in our pain and fear’ – Bishop of London’s message of hope for national weekly service.
Tens of thousands of people coping with bereavement amid the coronavirus pandemic are to be remembered in prayers at a special national Church of England service from St Paul’s Cathedral to be broadcast this weekend.
Fr Jeremy and Jeanette record a service of prayer and remembrance for All Souls' in All Saints Church, Maidenhead
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal
We are going to be taking part in this appeal for the 8th time this year – with a few changes. Last year we donated over 100 boxes as gifts for children around the world who don’t have much. The coronavirus pandemic is causing even greater hardship for some children and their families, and this is one way to show God’s love and bring some joy. Please read the attached note for details of how you can contribute this year. If you have any questions, please contact me at
The on-line service for Sunday 18th October is A cross-cultural celebration of St Luke.
From the Diocese of Blackburn, the service is led by Rev Sarah Gill, featuring contributions from the Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster, and the Rt Rev Julian Henderson, Bishop of Blackburn.
Celebrating chaplaincy in care homes is the theme of the on-line service for Sunday 11th October.
Debbie Thrower, founder of Anna Chaplaincy, leads the service, with contributions from care home chaplains and residents, as well as a poetry reading from Bob Weighton, once the oldest man in the world.
The full Deanery Synod Agenda is available and the meeting is open to all - join via Zoom from 7:45 for an 8:00pm start.
Rejoice in the Lord always and a Short Act of Worship with Fr Jeremy in All Saints Church 10 10 2020
Vicar who works in supermarket joins lorry drivers and farmers in this weeks national service 4/10/2020 celebrating 'forgotten heroes' of Covid-19 pandemic
Join farmers, lorry drivers and supermarket workers who helped keep food on our plates during Covid-19 pandemic will participate in the Church of England’s national service this week.
Fr Jeremy gives a talk for Harvest Festival followed by a short Act of Worship
This weeks - 29/09/2020 - On-Line National Service is Celebrating Harvest and the Season of Creation
Join Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley for this week's Harvest Festival service. This online service includes reflections on climate change, farming and the beauty of nature.
After careful consideration it was believed that, during this stage with Coronavirus, a virtual meeting would enable the greatest number of people to participate in the evening, compared to attending the Church in the evening for a socially distanced meeting wearing face mask without any refreshments.
‘Everyone is made in the image of God’ Christians with disabilities lead powerful national online service this week 20/09/2020
Widespread use of online worship following the coronavirus lockdown has helped ‘set free’ previously overlooked gifts of Christians with disabilities, the Church of England’s weekly online service will hear.
Come together to serve in God's name - this weeks service 13/09/2020.
This week's service is from All Saints Kings Heath, in south Birmingham.
Reflecting on the theme of forgiveness, the service includes contributions from Professor Nicola Slee, poet and theologian.
Heritage Open Days at All Saints Maidenhead this year are via a 3D Virtual Tour. of the wonderful All Saints Grade 1 Listed Church and complex.
Listen to the Heritage Talk at All Saints a talk by Fr Jeremy. 11/09/2020
Please also visit the Virtual Tour at
Schools the ‘unsung heroes’ of the pandemic, this weeks - 6th Sept. - online service marks the start of the academic year
Fr Jeremy gives a Reflection on St Aidan of Lindisfarne and a Short Service in All Saints Church 04 09 202
This week's on-line service for Aug 28th - He Gave his Life for Us - is from from Holy Trinity Platt.
Prepare for the new term with this week's service.. In his sermon,
Rev Dr. Paul Mathole reminds us that the way to find true life is to give our life to Jesus, just as he gave his life for us.
This week's on-line service for Aug 23rd is led by Rev Fergus Butler-Gallie - Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer - His sermon reflects on how we are never alone and that God walks with us through life's journey.
Fr Jeremy gives a Reflection on St Bernard of Clairvaux and a Short Service in All Saints Church 21 08 2020
Fr Jeremy gives a Reflection on St Bernard of Clairvaux and a Short Service in All Saints Church 21 08 2020
Fr Jeremy thoughts on The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary and a short service in Church 15 08 2020
This week's on-line service for Aug 16th is led by the community of Mucknell Abbey, located near Worcester, in the West Midlands ans focuses upon Wisdom from the Psalms
Reflections on St Ignatius of Loyola and a short service in the Church - 09 08 2020
This week's online service for Aug 9th is led by Rev Dr Lee Gatiss, the Director of Church Society. In his sermon, Lee reflects on God's kindness and mercy. The prayers are led by Ros Clarke, with readings from Gideon Emmanuel and Niv Lobo.
Reflections on St Ignatius of Loyola and a short service in the Church - 02 08 2020
This week's service for Aug 2nd comes from the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Fr Kevin Smith presides at the Mass, with Bishop Philip North preaching on how Jesus feeds us so that we can go and feed a hungry world. The music is provided by CJM and the prayers are led by the Holborn Group.
Christians in the UK will join in worship with their brothers and sisters across Europe and beyond this Sunday as the Church of England’s weekly online service goes international on 26 07 2020 -
Christians in the UK will join in worship with their brothers and sisters across Europe and beyond this Sunday as the Church of England’s weekly online service goes international.
The service, to be broadcast on YouTube, Facebook and the Church of England’s website from 9am on Sunday, will centre around a message that separation and isolation - even after months of lockdown and distancing measures - can be overcome through God.
Reflections on Mary Magdalene and a short service in the Church - 23 07 2020
A Sermon for John Keble and a short service in the Church - Fr Jeremy 16 07 2020
' What the church might look like - Small Christian Communities' Fifth Sunday After Trinity - Short Video Recording by Fr Jeremy
Stephen Cottrell the Newly-confirmed Archbishop of York is to preach on the power of prayer in the online weekly service for 12th July - Chaplains from a hospital and a hospice are to join the newly-confirmed Archbishop of York this weekend as he leads worship from York Minster for the Church of England’s weekly online service.
The Christian faith offers hope in the face of the tragedy and pain experienced worldwide in recent months, the Church of England’s online service will hear this weekend in a service led by people training for ministry.
Fr Jeremy has Recorded a short service for St Thomas in All Saints Church
The online weekly service for 5th July will be the first online prison church service to be broadcast by Church of England.
Prisoners and their families will be able to worship together during the first-ever online prison church service broadcast by the Church of England.
Fr Jeremy has Recorded a short service for SS Peter & Paul in the Church
The online weekly service for 28th June will focus on welcome and hospitality.
Revd Chris Lee, a vicar who has reached new audiences on Instagram, will lead this week’s online service for the Church of England – with a message that God welcomes us all, however ‘messy’ we may believe our lives to be.
End the sin of racism, online service hears ahead of Windrush Day, weekly online service for Sunday June 21st.
The Church of England’s online weekly service will hear a call for action to build a fairer world ahead of a minute’s silence to lament the racism experienced by the Windrush generation and other black and UK minority ethnic people.
Jesus meets us in our darkest hour, weekly online service for Sunday June 14th.
Jesus is the ‘healing balm’ and our answer in the face of the hardest of blows inflicted by poverty, racism and other suffering, the Church of England’s online service will hear this week, in a service broadcast by an east London church.
Archbishop of York to preach in a weekly online service for Trinity Sunday June 7th.
The Archbishop of York is to be joined by representatives of charities he founded in the weekly online service for the Church of England marking his last day as Archbishop of York.
Pope Francis will take part in an online church service alongside the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and a number of other senior UK church leaders this Sunday.
He will deliver a special message for the virtual service for Pentecost Sunday – the day Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church.
Fr Jeremy has Recorded a short service for Pentecost in the Church
This Sunday 24th May the Duke of Cambridge will urge people who are concerned about their mental health or that of others to reach out and start a conversation, in a contribution to this Sunday’s Church of England national online service, marking the end of Mental Health Awareness Week.
The service, led by the Revd Professor Gina Radford, a Vicar in Devon and a former Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, will include a series of prayers for all those whose mental health has been affected, their relatives, friends and carers.
Fr Jeremy has recorded a Short Ascension Day service in the Church - also join the Oxford Diocese service
An actor, a GP and a palliative care nurse are among contributors to the Church of England national online service this weekend to be broadcast from Liverpool and Blackburn in Lancashire.
Christian Aid Week 10-16th May is NOT Cancelled - SeeService, giving and Fr Jeremys walk information
The Bishop of London and the Chief Nursing Officer for England are to take part in a national online service this Sunday celebrating the work of nurses and healthcare workers and marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.
On Friday May 8th - the 7th Anniversary of VE Day - We are asked as a Nation to reflect at 11.00am and pause for a 2 minute silence, to remember the service and
sacrifice of the 2nd WW generation but also this year to reflect on the devastating impact Covid 19 has had on so
many lives across the world. For those of you with access to the internet you will be able to hear stories of those
who served on a VE Day livestream following the silence at the RBL website. (found on All Saints Church web-site
too). At 3.00pm on BBC1 Winston Churchill’s victory speech will be broadcast and at 9.00pm on BBC1 you can join
Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’ to mark the 75th anniversary.
The Diocese of Oxford is now streaming services on-line - click through for the links.
.(With Telephone Dial-In Option)
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
Fr. Jeremy jogs around his garden to raise money for local hospices as part of the 2.6 challenge
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
A Booklet for Holy Week 2020 for use at Home
The Diocese of Oxford is now streaming services on-line - click through for the links..
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
Click through for a link to the Church of England on-line Church which can be found here (or from the prayer resources page here)
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has launched a free national phone line as a simple new way to bring worship and prayer into people’s homes while church buildings are closed because of the coronavirus.
Dear all,
I have just had a long and frank discussion with the Bishop over tomorrow’s funeral service. Olivia is generally happy with what we are doing here at All Saints concerning supporting people over the coronavirus crisis but she is not happy with me officiating public services. I have said that I desperately want to take this service (Not trying to be a hero) but she has said I cannot guarantee that numbers will be small. I have explained that I have sent out a letter notifying people of the situation and promised that I will have a Thanksgiving service at a later date.
All I can ask of you is to consider seriously whether it right for you to attend on 1. Your own health grounds and 2. The needs of others.
I need to be sure that the service has relatively small numbers attending.
An open meeting of the PCC for feedback and update of the Branding Exercise that has taken place along with the options moving forward - this is a key meeting that encompasses all aspects of Church Life and will help to determine our future plans and actions, both short and long term.
Christmas Services 2019
Join with the Salvation Army and All Saints Church in singing Carols in the Quad - Following the worship we will share mince pies, hot chocolate and mulled wine in the Parish Centre.
Everyone is welcome to join in this lovely heart-warming event which starts the Christmas Service Programme at All Saints. Enjoyed by families and all each year.
Young Saints will be making up shoeboxes again this year for Operation Christmas Child. They will be for boys or girls aged 5-9. We would welcome donations of toys, stationary, hygiene items, sweets, gloves etc. Please check leaflets in church to see what is needed again this year for Operation Christmas Child.
Fr. Jeremy's Topic for the Maidenhead Advertiser - September 2019
Harvest - Foodshare - Climate - Sacrifices
All Saints is open for this years Heritage Open Days during the 13th to 22nd Sept - please see website for times
An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers.
Please join the special meeting after the 10:00am service - Sunday 22 September will be particularly special because Fr Jeremy will be preaching on an aspect of All Saints’ heritage in the morning and there will be a special meeting in the Parish Centre immediately after the 10.00am service for information about the floor project and our fund-raising launch. This will be the ideal opportunity for you to ask any questions. We don’t expect it
to take too long.
An update from Fr Jeremy following the shared faith events - The idea of Faith leaders from the town sharing talks came from Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain. Jonathan’s idea is to spread a message of peace and solidarity following the attacks in Pittsburgh, Christchurch, New Zealand and Sri Lanka. Jonathan added ‘I felt the religious leaders had to rise to the challenge and show that, while we cannot control what extremists do, mainstream communities can forge a better way forward.’ Jonathan wants us to highlight that Jews, Christians and Muslims can practise their own religions and live in harmony with each other. The hope is that ‘this will serve as a pilot project that will be emulated throughout the UK.’
Due to essential drainage works being carried out on Tues 23rd July 2019 access through, and to the rear of, the Church Car Park will be restricted.
The Queen has approved the appointment of the Venerable Olivia Graham, the Archdeacon of Berkshire, as the next Bishop of Reading.
Do come to this years Summer Fete - being opened by the Mayor of Maidenhead for a fun filled afternoon with stalls, games, refreshments and entertainment - along with many good raffle and tombola prizes
I invite you to join me as I celebrate 25 years as a Priest in God’s Church. After the service we will share hospitality in the Birinus Room and Garden.
Fr Jeremy
From time to time we raise money for the Oak project which helps to train ordinands in Kenya . On this occasion we are holding a gift day rather than a fundraising event. The Oak project is in the fortunate position of being fully funded for 2019 and 2020. We are now looking to build reserves for 2021 and 2022. When we support ordinands in training it is normally for more than one year. If you would like to make a gift, in addition to your regular freewill giving to the church, please place it in an envelope and mark it for Oak. Oak is not, of course, more important than the financial viability of the church which should always be our primary concern.
Cheques payable to All Saints Church Fund. If you can Gift Aid, please speak to Sue Stannett.
Jan and Mike Moss
The collection envelopes for Christian Aid Week are at the back of the Church - do please see if you can help with these; there are various streets.…long and short….that we have been asked to cover and we would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible to help with this - please remember to sign the sheet so we know which street you have taken.
Please book the APCM at the Cricket Club on Monday 29th April at 6:30pm for food and a 7:00pm sharp start - please sign up if you wish to have fish (or chicken) & chips which will cost £5-50 this year - last food orders on Palm Sunday please.
This is the important annual meeting where Church Activity and Accounts are reported upon and members are elected to key roles to maintain the operational and spiritual life of the Church.
Do come and join All Saints during Holy Week for wonderful Easter Services at this special time in the Christian Calendar. Full details of our Easter Services can be found in the calendar and on the website.
The Church Electoral Roll is being revised in preparation for the APCM on 29th April 2019. If you are not on the Roll and would like to be, then please see Sue Stannett after the 10.00am Sunday service; or alternatively contact the Parish Office - Thank you.
Young Saints having a fun filled session following the theme of fishing for men
Sermon preached by Fr Jeremy at All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead on the 27th January, 2019 on the 4th Sunday of Epiphany
Pathways to God - A Day Exploring Prayer with Bishop Andrew as the finale to the Year of Mission
For both existing Sides Persons and those interested in joining the team we will be holding a Sides Persons’ meeting at 10.30am on Saturday 2nd February in the Church. As well as current team members we would be delighted if anyone who would like to know more about this very important role would like to join us too.
On Sunday 6th January we welcomed Our Archdeacon, The Venerable Olivia Graham, Archdeacon of Berkshire, to All Saints to preach at the 10.00am Feast of the Epiphany Service in which she looked at the Epiphany, and All Saints action plan.
Some of the lovely floral decorations for Christmas at All Saints - and the ladies who make this possible.
The All Saints Pastoral Team after the Christmas Service at Larchfield Care Home on Wed 19th Dec 2018
Let's Raise a Glass - Bishop of Oxford's thanks to all at Christmas 2018
Each year Bishop Steven writes a new hymn. The verses of this year’s hymn are based on Colossians 1.15-20: praising Christ first for creation and then for salvation. The chorus sets this praise of Christ in a simple song of praise to the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
On Friday Nov 9th 2018 Altwood school were delighted to welcome members from the Royal British Legion in Maidenhead who participated in the whole school service, jointly led by our school chaplain, Father Jeremy and members of the Altwood community, and who led the school in the minutes silence.
Details and times of Christmas Services can now be found on our website.
The Remembrance Service on Sunday 21st Oct 2018 was attended by the MP for Maidenhead and Prime Minister Theresa May along with the Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead. The Prime Minister gave an outstanding sermon address.
Young Saints will be making up shoeboxes again this year for Operation Christmas Child. They will be for boys or girls aged 5-9. We would welcome donations of toys, stationary, hygiene items, sweets, gloves etc. Please check leaflets in church to see what is allowed, as there are some restrictions. Items should be new. Donations of money are also needed, as it costs £5 to transport each box. Shoeboxes (ideally wrapped in colourful paper) also welcome. Please bring your donations before Sunday 11th November. Last year, we donated over 80 boxes and it would be great to match that this year! If you have any questions, please ask Jenny or Hazel Wilks
John Bell - Saturday 1st Dec 2018 - Living and Praying the Psalms.
John Bell will reflect on the Psalms in preparation for Advent, as part of the Year of Mission March 2018-March 2019 for the parishes of St. Luke’s, the Church of the Good Shepherd and All Saints in Maidenhead.
Fr. Jeremy's Topic - as published in the Maidenhead Advertiser September 20th 2018
The Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Andrew Proud, has announced he will retire next year. His last official engagement takes place on Easter Sunday. “Bishop Andrew has brought a passion for the global Church which has been threaded through every aspect of his leadership,” says the Bishop of Oxford.
In a letter to clergy and parishioners across the Berkshire episcopal area, Bishop Andrew writes that he feels a deep sense of gratitude: “It has been such a joy to ordain deacons and priests and see them grow and move on, and to have had the privilege of baptising and confirming so many.”
We are holding an open to all congregation and extended PCC meeting on Saturday morning of Sept 15th to review All Saints Mission Action Plan with focus upon Welcome, Service and Schools in the Parish Centre. (9:30-12:30) - Fr. Jeremy does hope that as many as possible will be able to join us.
An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers.
All Saints is open for this years Heritage Open Days during 7th-9th Sept - please see website for times
John Elliott’s funeral will take the form of a Requiem Mass here on Friday 17th
August at 11.00am and we hope that a good number of the All Saints
community will be able to attend. We remember in our prayers all of John’s
family at this time
Do join our Breakfast Bible Study in the Birinus room during Sept, Oct and Nov 2018.
There is work being undertaken in the Church - painting the wall and test holes being dug for the floor. Whilst the Church will be open as usual the pews and areas at the sides of the Church are being moved and will not be usable on Sunday 29th July. Please take care.
Saturday 28th July 9.30am-10.30am LICC (London Institute of Contemporary Christianity) follow up session/Bible study over breakfast in the Birinus Room.
The popular Saturday morning breakfast Bible study group will continue in the autumn when we will be focusing on The Parables starting on Saturday 22nd
September with The Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37). Jeanette Lock
Fr. Jeremy's Topic - as published in the Maidenhead Advertiser July 5th 2018
Do come to this years Summer Fete - being opened by the Mayor of Maidenhead for a fun filled afternoon with stalls, games, refreshments and entertainment - along with many good raffle and tombola prizes
The second key event of our Year of Mission is on Saturday 30th June - 9:30am to 3:30pm - where we welcome to the Church of the Good Shepherd the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity. This is part two of our Shared Mission Year with St Luke’s and The Church of the Good Shepherd. Fr Jeremy first became aware of the LICC during his ministry in Bracknell and has been a member of the organisation ever since. Steve Rouse will be joining us from the LICC and he will be helping us to explore where God is at work in our everyday lives. Fr Jeremy will be sharing sermons in the build up to this important day in our year of Mission to encourage people to share in the day. Following the day we have planned a 6 week session LICC course starting on the 28th July running through to 17th October to explore further the themes raised on the 30th June.
Saturday 16th June Parish Trip to Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford
7:30pm - Fr John Ainslie celebrates his First Mass at Holy Trinity, Cookham
A link to Pray as you go along with Fr. Jeremy's explanation.
Churchyard Maintenance. Last year a number of working parties enjoyed a very successful few mornings cutting back and clearing the thick undergrowth, so much so that even passers-by have commented on the very much improved state of the churchyard. To continue the improvement there will be another working party on the morning of Saturday 19th May, anytime from 9.30am onwards. No gardening experience at all needed just tools such as secateurs, loppers, shears, hoes – and gloves. Refreshments will be available. Everyone is welcome.
There is a Coffee Morning on Saturday 12th May from 10.00am to 12 noon at the High Street Methodist Church, and a Christian Aid service at 6.00pm on Sunday 13th May at St Peter’s Church, Furze Platt. The collection envelopes for Christian Aid Week are at the back of the Church - do please see if you can help with these; there are various streets.…long and short….that we have been asked to cover and we would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible to help with this - please remember to sign the sheet so we know which street you have taken.
Saturday breakfast Bible study restarts on Saturday 28th April 9.30am-10.30am
in the Birinus Room, followed by the 26th May and the 23rd June (at Burnham Abbey) to be followed by the option to stay on for a Simple Mass from 10.30am-11am (also in the Birinus Room). We will be re-focusing our studies on Acts.
Please book the APCM at the Cricket Club on Monday 23rd April at 6:30pm for food and a 7:00pm sharp start - please sign up if you wish to have fish & chips and pay £5 to Chris/Elaine
This is the important annual meeting where Church Activity and Accounts are reported upon and members are elected to key roles to maintain the operational and spiritual life of the Church.
Do join our wonderful Easter Services, details of which can be found here.
The Palm Sunday main morning service is at the Desborough Suite in the Town Hall, shared with St Luke's and The Church of the Good Shepherd. The worship will incorporate the Liturgy of Palm Sunday which will commence with the distribution of Palm Crosses as we arrive.
Roughshod will lead "The Peoples Passion" which will be a fitting and contemplative start to Holy Week.
During our Year of Mission All Saints will work with St Luke’s and Cox Green to have a year focusing on mission in our parishes. Bishop Andrew has some (generous) funding to enable us to put on some specific activities and events and to reflect on how we might share our faith with those around us—and then do it more effectively.
We hope most people can come and join us at the events, many of which we will be joined by Fr. Jeremy from All Saints, Revd Joan from the Church of the Good Shepherd and Revd Sally from St Luke's along with friends from their parishes.
On three Thursdays, with the help of Matt Firth, we will be looking at how some of the Saints have been depicted in Art. The evenings will also include a short reflection and a Taize chant.
Thursday 22nd February 7.30pm in church. The theme will include how St Ignatius is depicted in art plus 3 paintings on the Flight into Egypt. We will look at how we see God in others and our focus will be on modern day refugees.
Thursday 1st March 7.30pm in Parish Centre. We will be looking at how St Teresa of Avila is depicted in art plus 3 paintings on St Paul’s spiritual journeys. Our focus will be on Christian journeys.
Thursday 8th March 7.30pm in Parish Centre. Looking at how St Catherine of Sienna was depicted in art plus 3 paintings on unconditional love. Our focus will be on unconditional love.
Bishop Andrew will commission the congregations of St Luke’s, The Church of the Good Shepherd and All Saints for our joint Year of Mission. All are welcome for this short but important service as we begin the year of mission.
During Lent and Holy Week we will be reflecting on the theme of Prayer, using the book “How to Pray like Jesus and the Saints” by Alfred McBride. We will be welcoming guest speakers at our 10:00am Sunday Services who will be offering us thoughts on praying with different Saints. Stations of the Cross will take place each Tuesday evening and we will also have a series of three Thursday evening Praying with Art sessions, led by Matt Firth and Fr Jeremy.
Rock Shop welcomes all to join in singing and fellowship - followed by refreshments.
Join us on Saturday 13th January, 10th February and 10th March 9.30am-10.30am - Bible Study in the Parish Centre. Exploring the Beatitudes
– A three session course in the Diocese of Oxford. We will be looking at how to respond to the call to be a more Christ-like Church and Bishop Steven asks us to use the Beatitudes to focus on three qualities; to be Contemplative, Compassionate and Courageous.
Breakfast will be provided.
Please join us for an opportunity to help develop our Shared Vision for the future of All Saints and the Community we serve.
An inter-active meeting at All Saints School on Jan 20th 2018 Coffee/Tea and Cakes at 9:00am for a 9:30am start Planned finish time is 12 noon.
An inter-active meeting at All Saints School on Jan 20th 2018
meet for coffee/tea and cakes at 9:00am for a 9:30am start – planned finish time is 12 noon.
Please join us for an opportunity to help develop our Shared Vision for the future of All Saints along with the community we serve.
There is much going well at All Saints, however we also have some challenges to face in terms of the future, sustainability and our presence in the local community.
We are holding a visioning morning at All Saints School where we will meet to review where we are, where we wish to be and how we plan to get there. This will include looking at our Sunday Morning welcome, the Missional Activity being developed through PMC and the overall vision for the future.
This is an opportunity to have a real input and influence on our direction, please put the date in your diary, and sign the form at the back of the Church to aid planning for space and refreshments.
Join with the Salvation Army and All Saints Church in singing Carols in the Quad - Following the worship we will share mince pies, hot chocolate and mulled wine in the Parish Centre.
Everyone is welcome to join in this lovely heart-warming event which starts the Christmas Service Programme at All Saints. Enjoyed by families and all each year.
Rock Shop welcomes all to join in singing seasonal hymns - followed by refreshments.
The dates and times of our 2017 Christmas Worship Services at All Saints can be found in our calendar, on our Christmas Services 2017 page and also as a downloadable file.
Please come and join us where a warm welcome will be given to all.
November 2017 Update
The WW1 and WW2 war memorial boards in the Church Porch have been refurbished and moved back to the original position, along with a new board which incorporates some additional names along with the fallen subsequent conflicts.
One more time - the fifth working party to build upon the success of the previous four -- Thanks and congratulations to the previous working parties who came together to clear badly overgrown growth around graves to enable the local authority to maintain the area - this also exposed some interesting historical grave stones. This has made the area more both accessible and will enable the RBWM to access for maintenance.
Many thanks for all the donations which has enabled up to send off 87 shoeboxes this year.
Young Saints will be making up shoeboxes again this year for boys or girls aged 5 – 9. We would welcome donations of toys, stationary, hygiene items, sweets, gloves etc. Please check the leaflets in church to see what is allowed, as there are some restrictions. Items should be new. Donations of money are also needed, as it costs £3 to transport each box. Shoeboxes (ideally wrapped in colourful paper) also welcome. Last year, we donated 76 boxes and it would be great to beat that this year! If you have any questions, please ask Jenny or Hazel Wilks or one of the Young Saints leaders.
Fr Jeremy's Topic - Maidenhead Advertiser 12th Oct 2017
The start of our new 6 part Pilgrim Course looking at the theme of ‘Turning to Christ’. A course that explores the meaning of our Baptismal promises. Bishops Steven Croft and Stephen Cottrell contribute to this course and we hope as many as possible will join us. This course is open to everyone in the congregation and indeed new people. Please sign the list at the back of Church.
Please all join the Congregational Event in the Parish Centre. (There will NOT be an 8:00am service on the 8th Oct)
Tea/Coffee will be served prior to the event which will look at the progress of PMC, development of the Spiritual Disciplines, the Focus for Missional Action and what this all means for All Saints.
This will be followed by a Soup Lunch at 12:30
One more time - the third working party to build upon the success of the previous two -- Thanks and congratulations to the working party on Sat 26th Aug who continued the work of the group of Church Volunteers who formed a working party on Saturday Morning, 22 07 2017, to clear badly overgrown growth around graves to enable the local authority to maintain the area - this also exposed some interesting historical grave stones. This has made the area more both accessible and will enable the RBWM to access for maintenance.
Thanks to every-one involved for a very successful three days - the visitor feedback was excellent - the Church was busy and the tours were really well appreciated - All Saints is open for this years Heritage Open Days during 7th-9th Sept - please see website for times
Thanks to every-one involved for a very successful three days - the visitor feedback was excellent - the Church was busy and the tours were really well appreciated - All Saints is open for this years Heritage Open Days during 7th-9th Sept - please see website for times
Last week (on Tues Aug 22nd 2017) I joined a delegation of Maidenhead clerics to witness first-hand the plight of unaccompanied refugee children. We were joined by Barbara Winton, daughter of Sir Nicholas Winton who rescued more than 600 young people on the eve of the Second World War and Lord Dubs, one of the children rescued by Sir Nicholas and who has campaigned to change the terms of the Government’s Immigration act to enable up to 3000 young people to enter this country. This delegation travelled with an organisation called ‘Safe Passage’ which began when a small group of lawyers, community organisers and faith leaders from Citizens UK travelled to Calais to try to help the situation there.
Bible Study based on Tom Wright’s ‘Acts for Everyone’ - All are welcome to share. To quote Wright ‘the book is full of the early excitement of Christians as they found God doing new things all over the place and learned to take the good news of Jesus around the World.’ Should extra incentive be needed there will also be coffee and croissants!
A group of Church Volunteers formed a working party on Saturday Morning to clear badly overgrown growth around graves to enable the local authority to maintain the area - this also exposed some interesting historical grave stones.
An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers.
On Saturday 28th October 2017 we are holding a Food for Thought Supper at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre in Support of OAK (Ordinands Appeal Kenya). As this is a fund raising event, rather than buy in fish and chips we will offer a tasty 2 course meal that will have been produced ‘in house’. Bring your own drinks of choice.
Fr Robert will talk about his experiences and Fr Jeremy will contribute some of the highlights from his 2013 visit.
Everyone is welcome to join a Bible Study on The Acts of the Apostles. - As a follow on three more have been arranged in Sept, Oct and Nov - see the front page/calendar for moreinformation
On Saturday 1st July 2017 at Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, The Revd John Ainslie was ordained as a Deacon in the Church of England. John who has served All Saints, Boyne Hill contributing in so many ways towards building the Body of Christ was supported at the Cathedral by his family, people from Boyne hill and from former parishes including Guildford.
Join Bob Dulson, a Civic Society member, at the Mothers' Union talk on the future of our town - everyone is welcome.
Many thanks to every-one who helped make this year’s fete such a success, from manning the stalls, the raffles and tombola; running the games and activities; providing the catering, the BBQ and the Pimms & beer stall; donating cakes and home bakes, books, bric-a-brac, toys, jewellery, toiletries and so much more…; the local businesses and organisations who supported the fete, and of course our very special guests The Royal British Legion, Boyne Hill School Choir, the All Saints Church Rock Shop and the Jama Chab, Indie-Rock cover band.
The Almshouse Charities, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead has a vacancy in this Grade 2
listed building arising early June 2017. First-floor, bed-sitting room with own kitchen
and bathroom. Only local ladies aged over 60 should apply. Telephone the clerk 01628
634012 and leave message on the answerphone if necessary or speak to Fr Jeremy
Christian Aid Week is from 14th to 20th May - 2017 - Many thanks to the Volunteers who delivered and collected envelopes. Please click through for the final total.
Please book the APCM at the Cricket Club on Monday 24th April at 6:30pm for food and a 7:00pm sharp start - please sign up if you wish to have fish & chips and pay £5 to Chris/Elaine
This is the important annual meeting where Church Activity and Accounts are reported upon and members are elected to key roles to maintain the operational and spiritual life of the Church.
Thoughts on being a Church of Hospitality
We are now into Year 2 of our PMC journey where we are encouraged to experiment with our Missional Adaptive Challenge (link). Our Missional Innovation Team are currently working to find our “Friendly Partners” who may lead us to discovering what is needed for young families to experience “Spirit filled encounters with God”.
The schedule for Lent Services are now on-line - During Lent we will be welcoming guest speakers at our 10:00am Sunday Services who will be helping us to ‘Dwell in the World’. We will be challenged to think about practical Christianity and how we might find friendly partners to share ministry with. Two of these will be followed by a Soup Lunch (March 5th and April 2nd). Stations of the Cross will also take place each week and we will have a weekly evening Compline with Art reflecting on the four gospel pictures of the Cross.
Do come and join us during Holy Week for our wonderful Easter Services at this special time in the Christian Calendar.
Full details of our Easter Services can be found on our website.
Back by popular demand everyone is welcome to join singing some songs from Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat and modern joyful hymns - Followed by refreshements
Pastoral Care - We are looking to develop a team of people willing to offer pastoral care to various care homes and day centres. This would involve helping with monthly short services. There may also be a need to offer prayers or read bible passages to residents in their own rooms, who are unable to join the service in the day rooms. Although many of the residents are suffering from dementia, it is wonderful to
see them joining in or recognising the familiar hymns, readings and prayers we use.
If you feel you might be able to help with this valuable ministry, or would like to simply find out more about what is involved, please come to a meeting at 2.00pm on Wednesday 15th February in the Birinus Room. Please contact Jeanette Lock for more information.
The Church Electoral Roll is being revised in preparation for the APCM on 24th April 2017. If you are not on the Roll and would like to be, then please see Sue Stannett after the 10.00am Sunday service; or alternatively contact the Parish Office - Thank you.
Fr Neil will be licenced as Associate Vicar to the Parish of St Michael & All Angels, Maidstone on 9th Feb 2017
Space for God Returns - 19th Jan 2017 - with a Taize Service - please do join us.
Details of All Saints Christmas Worship Services 2016
Young Saints will be making up shoeboxes again this year for Operation Christmas Child. They will be for boys or girls aged 5
– 9. We would welcome donations of toys, stationary, hygiene items, sweets, gloves etc. Please check leaflets in church to see what is allowed, as there are some restrictions. Items should be new. Donations of money are also needed, as it
costs £3 to post each box. Shoeboxes (ideally wrapped in colourful paper)
also welcome. Last year, we donated 76 boxes and it would be great to beat that this year! If you have any questions, please ask Jenny or Hazel Wilks or one of the Young Saints leaders.
Both the Parish Office and the Vicarage on using "temporary" numbers.
Following the 10.00am Worship for All service Alwyn Kimber will be providing a ploughman’s lunch of cheeses, chutney pickled onions and salad. We would like you to bring traditional harvest goods of fruits and vegetables in boxes so that we can auction them at the end of the service. We would also like donations of apple pies (great if they are homemade). There is no charge for the ploughman’s but any donations received will go to the Addington Farmers charity
Coach trip to Winchester for an 11.15am tour of the Cathedral followed by Advent prayers in the Cathedral at 12.30 then lunch followed by free time at the Christmas Fayre or in the city before departing at 6.00pm. A sign-up sheet is at the back of the Church.
Thanks to every-one for making this such a good service - please do come and join us at future Cre8 services.
Please join us for our new Friday night service, Cre8, on 16th September at 7.00pm at the Church. There will be discussion, activities and music based around this month's theme: Adam and Eve. All families with children aged 8 to 18 and adults too are welcome. We will finish with light refreshments. Please contact Christine Dunford, if you are able to attend.
The Right Reverend Andrew Proud, Bishop of Reading invites everyone to a
service to welcome The Right Reverend Steven Croft as Bishop of Oxford at
Reading Minster on Wednesday 5th October at 7.45pm. RSVP or 0118 9841216 by Saturday 24th
An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers.
Please join for this an important day when we will be deciding on one theme/concept which we collectively believe God to be leading us to at All Saints. This theme will be taken forward into Year 2 of our PMC journey.
Download a short leaflet giving introductory general information about All Saints Church - please feel free to either contact our Church Office or any Church Member if you have any questions or would like more information.
Many thanks to every-one who helped make this year’s fete such a success, from manning the stalls, the raffles and tombola; running the games and activities; providing the catering, the BBQ and the beer tent; donating cakes and home bakes, books, bric-a-brac, toys, jewellery, toiletries and so much more…; the local businesses and organisations who supported the fete, and of course our very special guests The Royal British Legion, Boyne Hill School Choir, the All Saints Church Rock Shop and Chewbacca!
Please take time to read this letter from Bishop Steven to the clergy and people of the Diocese of Oxford
Sunday 10th July at 10:00 The Royal British Legion will join with All Saints congregation for a Service to Commemorate those fallen in the Battle of the Somme
Topic to follow after publication
Along with the Blessing of the Birinus Garden we will be celebrating the Queen's 90th Birthday on June 12th
Following the Congregational Discovery the PMC team will be leading a feedback and discernment meeting which is a key stage in the PMC process and the future of All Saints. This Extended PCC meeting will cover this session and all members of the congregation are invited. Please sign up at the back of the Church to assist planning.
Please book the APCM at the Cricket Club on Monday 18th April at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm sharp start
This is the important annual meeting where Church Activity and Accounts are reported upon and members are elected to key roles to maintain the operational and spiritual life of the Church.
The Church Electoral Roll is being revised in preparation for the APCM on 18th April 2016. If you are not on the Roll and would like to be, then please see Sue Stannett after the 10.00am Sunday service; or alternatively contact the Parish Office - Thank you.
Update:- Many thanks to everyone who helped to make our Holy Week services so special...
Do come and join us during Holy Week for our wonderful Easter Services at this special time in the Christian Calendar.
Full details of our Easter Services can be found on our website.
Many thanks to all who responded to the Proposed Parking Restrictions on Boyne Hill Road - the results were Results were:-
Do you agree with the proposals
Yes - 13% (5 responses)
No - 87% (33 responses) -
It is proposed to make Boyn Hill Road residents only parking from 11:00am to 1:00 pm SEVEN days per week.
Many of you will remember the Art Exhibition in the Church during the period of Advent. The School received many lovely comments about the children’s paintings and were delighted to receive a letter from one of our parishioners. She was so impressed with two of the paintings, she asked if she could purchase them to keep as Church property and aids to worship. Very generously, she has offered a donation of £80 to the school and £10 to each of the artists. Congratulations to
Aseem and Arjun, both in Year 4 of All Saints School, whose paintings can be seen on page 2 of the School newsletter.
Loneliness, Friendships, Relationships and Making Contact in Today's Society - Seen through a film.............
This year's Lent course is a Pilgrim Course on the Ten Commandments. You have a
choice of Wednesday evenings or Thursday afternoons. There is a course book
which we'll order for you costing £5.99. The dates are as follows: Wednesday
evenings, 17th February to 30th March (except 23rd March); Thursday afternoons,
11th February to 24th March (except 25th February). Please sign up as soon as
possible with your contact number so we can order the correct number of books.
Fr Jeremy, Fr Neil and Elizabeth
Tuesday 13th Oct 2015 - 8:30 - 9:30pm at The Conservative Club.
Elizabeth Bryson will be presenting her Talk 'The stories of some of the Fallen from the Parish of All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead in the First World War' at The Conservative Club in York Road. All are welcome to join members of the Royal British Legion to hear this interesting and moving Talk with a power-point of pictures.
George took John to the VJ Day Commemorations in London where they met Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, these pictures record the event.
In our busy lives it can sometimes be difficult to make Space for God.
Why not join us for one of our new Thursday evening Space for God services from 7pm to 7.30 pm starting on Thursday 14th January 2016.
Each week we’ll be using a different style of worship which we hope will offer you the opportunity to find Space for God.
The Church decorated for Christmas thanks to the fabulous Flower Ladies - do come for a warm welcome - Christmas Eve Crib Service at 4:00pm and Midnight Mass at 11:30pm - Christmas Day services at 8:00am and 10:00am - we look forward to seeing you......
Thoughts on Friday 13th in Paris
All Saints Christmas Worship Services 2015
At the 8:00am and 10:00 services on Sunday Nov 29th the PMC Team, as part of our PMC journey, will share with our Congregation an opportunity to develop a timeline for All Saints Church. Please click through for more information.
Ian and Ann were Confirmed by Bishop Andrew last Sunday 25th October at a wonderful Service at The Minster in Reading. Here they are with Bishop Andrew after the Service.
Ian and Ann were Confirmed by Bishop Andrew last Sunday 25th October at a wonderful Service at The Minster in Reading. Here they are with Bishop Andrew after the Service.
Update - Great news - thanks to everyone's generosity and the hard work of our Young Saints team we have managed to fill and send 76 (Seventy-Six) shoe boxes - each one will help make a needy child's Christmas that bit better this year - thank you to every-one.
We are taking part again in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal to provide gifts to needy children round the world. We would appreciate donations of items for 5- 9 year olds for the boxes e.g. toys, stationary, hygiene items. Full details of what can be included can be found on the large box at the back of church. It costs £3 to send each box so cash is also welcome. Please bring any donations before Sunday 15th November. If you have any questions, please ask us. - Hazel Wilks and Abigail Symonds
Work on the Birinus Garden started on the 12th Oct 2015 - this took between one and two weeks and the Landscaping work has provided a garden for quiet use, use by the local schools, use for Young Saints and for growth of greenery for our flower arrangers.
Tuesday 13th Oct 2015 - 7:30 - 8:30pm at All Saints Church
For King & Country is a series of talks
Remembering the Great War - Elizabeth Bryson will will give the talk "The stories of the fallen of All Saints Church"
Our first cluster meetings were on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2015. This time we met at St Laurence’s Church in Reading.
Our first cluster meetings were on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th September 2015. This time we met at St Laurence’s Church in Reading.
We are holding an open (to our congregation) extended PCC meeting on Saturday morning of Oct 10th., in the Parish Centre. Fr. Jeremy does hope that as many as possible will be able to join us.
Fr. Jeremy marks Ten Years at All Saints on Sunday 6th Sept 2015
On 30th Aug - at the 8.00am and 10.00am services Fr. Jeremy will interview Jeanette Lock about why she wanted to become a Street Angel and what they do on a Saturday Night.
70th Anniversary of VJ Day Service 15th Aug 2015 at All Saints Church Boyne Hill Maidenhead
Church Heating & Boiler Appeal
Aug 20/21/22 - 3 Guided Walks from All Saints Church, along local roads to the homes where some of the Fallen lived, finishing in All Saints Churchyard.
Fr. Jeremy’s Topic – Maidenhead Advertiser 2nd July 2015
Our Summer Fete was held on Saturday 27th June. Thanks to everyone who made this years fete such a success.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN ORGANISER/ORGANISING GROUP FOR NEXT YEARS FETE - If you feel you can assist please contact the Parish Office, either Chris or Elaine.
*** UPDATE -- Please note that Fr. Jeremy will not be joining this Pilgrimage -- All Saints members are welcome to go/book direct for the Pilgrimage which is planned to be led by Fr. Kevin Scully *** -- Fr Jeremy is organising another Pigrimage to the Holy Land
All Saints' new Rock Shop instruments were blessed today after the service for 3rd Sunday of Advent.