Dryads Duo Lunchtime Recital Wednesday 30th October 1:00pm

All Saints Church Boyne Hill, Maidenhead, SL6 4HE
Dryads Duo Lunchtime Recital
Wednesday 30th October 1:00pm
Admission Free with retiring collection
We welcome back violinist Carla Santos and pianist Saul Picado, the Dryads Duo, to perform Sonata No. 5, in F major Opus 24, by Beethoven and Respighi's Sonata in B minor.
These two outstanding musicians delighted the audience for their first recital at All Saints in February this year and we look forward to another enjoyable recital at the end of October.
In 2011 the Dryads Duo was awarded the 1st prize at the “Prémio Jovens Músicos” competition in Portugal. This win gave them the opportunity to record their first CD (GDA) with Sonatas by Janáček, Ravel and Enescu.
In 2016 they released their second CD (KNS), entitled Intimate Colours. It is an important mark in the Duo’s career as it includes the piece that inspired the name for the Duo: “Dryads et Pan”. This is the name of Szymanowski’s third Myth, Op.30. Alongside these beautiful three Myths, the CD also includes Sonatas by Elgar and Respighi.
Copies of the CD will be available for sale after the Recital. (http://www.dryadsduo.com/)
We also invite you to join us at the church’s parish Centre (enter via the Quad next to the church) for a Soup lunch at 12:00 noon in aid of the Ripple Effect Charity
Ripple Effect empowers families in rural Africa to learn more, grow more and sell more, transforming their lives while protecting their environment. Families share what they know and have with their neighbours and wider communities, so that for each family the charity works with directly, they know that three more will benefit. This is the ripple effect created by their work and our support. (https://rippleeffect.org/)