Planning The Future of All Saints - Congregational and PCC Planning Meeting - 15th Sept 9:15 for 9:30

Many thanks to everyone to attended, and contributed to, this important, and uplifting, Planning Meeting - Fr Jeremy will give an overview to the Congregation at our Sunday Services next week (23rd Sept) of our Mission Action Plan.
We are holding an open to all congregation and extended PCC meeting on Saturday morning of Sept 15th to review the All Saints Mission Action Plan with focus upon Welcome, Service and Schools in the Parish Centre. (9:30-12:30) - Fr. Jeremy does hope that as many as possible will be able to join us.
Following several reviews, the participation in PMC, the formation of the MIT team and the listening and discernment processes a draft MAP (Mission Action Plan) for All Saints has been produced as a culmination of these activities.
The meeting will enable us, as a community, to review this and look at what this means for All Saints going forward.
This is a great opportunity to take part in shaping the future development of All Saints and developing the action plan needed to implement this.
9:15 am tea/coffee/sign-in for a 9:30 am prompt start.
We do hope that as many people as possible will be able to join us with this meeting which should be both very informative and facilitate input and discussion into the development of All Saints.
To enable capacity planning, please sign the sheet at the back of the Church or let The Parish Office know if you plan to join us.
Copies of the draft MAP are available at the back of the Church and can also be downloaded here.