Church Yard Working Party Sat 22-07-2017

Posted by R.Broad on July 28, 2017

Many thanks to the group of Church Volunteers who formed a working party on Saturday Morning to clear badly overgrown growth around graves to enable the local authority to maintain the area - this also exposed some interesting historical grave stones.


The images show the before and after along with the pile of growth cleared which the local authority will remove.


There is also a picture of some of the team taking a well earned break from the work.


The images of the grave stones are not very clear due th their age - they include the gravestones of  the first Vicar of All Saints - William Gresley; the second Vicar,  Canon Drummond and also that of William Nicholson, founder of Nicholsons Brewery (now the site of the Nicholsons Shopping Centre) and donor of the site for the Library in St. Ives Road.