Annual Ride & Stride - Saturday 11th September 2021

An opportunity to visit some of the Churches in Berkshire, many of which will be welcoming visitors arriving on foot or by bike. All Saints will be open again this year, manned by a group of volunteer stewards offering refreshments to the weary travellers. For those of you new to "Ride & Stride" it is a fund raising event for the Berkshire Churches Trust with the "Riders & Striders" from each participating Church being sponsored, either by the number of Churches they manage to visit or for a total amount for the day. It is also possible to sponsor the Stewards. The money raised during the day is used by the BCT for their valuable work in supporting local Churches; All Saints itself has benefited in the past from this support. Importantly 50% of the money raised by each Church for "Ride & Stride" is returned to it. There is a sign up sheet at the back of the Church if you would like to be involved in this special day, either by taking part directly as a "Rider or Strider" (please see me for a sponsorship form) or acting as a Steward for an hour or so during the day. Stella Harding
More details about Ride & Stride can be found on the Ride & Stride website here.